[1RTR] 1st Royal Tank Regiment

Created: 23.12.2015
Commander: Beo_wulf
Not registered on site

Fear Naught / For Tea And Glory

We are a clan of classy and mostly tea-addicted Blitzers. > Ideal Applicants: * Fifty-five percent WR & 2,000 battles & at least one tier 7 tank. You must also contribute to clan points in clan missions. Role of deputy given to active players who platoon and do clan missions the most - the role can be removed if activity decreases and there will be a max of 7. Use of Discord is advised. > Rules: * Be classy and respect others at all times. * Be a team-player. * Discussion of real-life political and religious topics are forbidden. > Official 1RTR clans: * 1RTR * 1RTR_ * _1RTR * T_O_G > Links: * Discord: https://discord.gg/nBMpYU6ktP* Web: 1RTR.Weebly.com Keep calm and join 1RTR.
Average damage


Average winrate


47 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Beo_wulf Commander 3069 days 1143 60
knight_vlad Executive Officer 381 day 2095 63
Rauskut Executive Officer 536 days 1605 58
DA_TRO11 Executive Officer 525 days 1841 64
_squidney98_ Executive Officer 442 days 1861 60
MokebeTesto Executive Officer 818 days 2129 61
Fliegeeee Private 103 days 1344 55
robinio057_gunner Private 474 days 2076 64
Rusty_The_Tank Private 1063 days 1038 52
Nikita_Sheremeta Private 82 days 1442 59
rak_steel Private 230 days 1705 58
DoogDooger Private 84 days 1425 58
kingslea Private 3080 days 2135 56
danpadurariu Private 552 days 1397 54
fekiac_m Private 242 days 1487 59
Shay666 Private 415 days 1379 55
Susu_bob Private 19 days 2139 68
F_MY_WI_FI Private 314 days 1479 58
Banamanunkey Private 84 days 1822 58
wbancrofti5 Private 416 days 1387 64
KAF2019 Private 508 days 1839 56
Indivar_Malla Private 234 days 1842 54
SmallTall Private 944 days 1376 59
LazySabertooth Private 182 days 1469 54
firetankwar Private 140 days 1870 61
jigsaw_172 Private 275 days 1581 54
Slavic_Shark Private 148 days 910 48
RAPTORVADER Private 84 days 1459 53
Skarlax Private 261 day 2279 63
TxREX Private 194 days 1768 57
flacky Private 3077 days 1728 58
warcrawl Private 25 days 1468 65
Varteni Private 13 days 2245 62
Meth_Head Private 197 days 1599 63
Xanarchy_Mint Private 156 days 2247 61
BadWolf1977_AH Private 503 days 1078 53
Jazboz Private 3112 days 1312 56
JanJanMan20 Private 243 days 1563 62
AstorianStrike Private 161 day 2412 59
Eritton Private 321 day 1412 54
dandit192 Private 244 days 1101 55
tankshite Private 3193 days 1060 55
Flo92_warrior Private 227 days 1773 57
GamblingAddiction_IS_BAD Private 239 days 1169 51
Alpine_zona Private 2466 days 1893 60
Shadowfoxt Private 153 days 1182 51
Abritabroad_gb Private 3000 days 1436 58
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 1034478 1645562585
Beo_wulf 63099 58979465
knight_vlad 14604 24441590
Rauskut 18309 27443814
DA_TRO11 33478 50243925
_squidney98_ 23173 41091976
MokebeTesto 17597 34363354
Fliegeeee 2817 4226456
robinio057_gunner 8550 14354362
Rusty_The_Tank 10126 12983288
Nikita_Sheremeta 2394 3342888
rak_steel 26491 42039010
DoogDooger 6157 9648509
kingslea 125991 239628160
danpadurariu 39174 64637112
fekiac_m 25577 36438670
Shay666 6082 9753434
Susu_bob 8160 14230682
F_MY_WI_FI 28572 38935749
Banamanunkey 10322 17768986
wbancrofti5 4850 5162644
KAF2019 24986 58084194
Indivar_Malla 48742 97829262
SmallTall 12031 16499928
LazySabertooth 19304 30960207
firetankwar 15199 25112471
jigsaw_172 38246 74054423
Slavic_Shark 6959 9247915
RAPTORVADER 1056 1686560
Skarlax 17390 35736373
TxREX 17788 32811100
flacky 45774 71668550
warcrawl 1186 1170000
Varteni 5644 10077170
Meth_Head 12464 16789134
Xanarchy_Mint 7275 13607723
BadWolf1977_AH 31473 40594201
Jazboz 23747 31480962
JanJanMan20 6269 7938353
AstorianStrike 8472 17273827
Eritton 5549 8807706
dandit192 14347 16690358
tankshite 44678 48878103
Flo92_warrior 8149 14662872
GamblingAddiction_IS_BAD 24837 34308832
Alpine_zona 71853 118142801
Shadowfoxt 5310 7896714
Abritabroad_gb 40227 53838772
Total 1034478 1645562585