[33146] Renamed331467

Created: 09.10.2023
Commander: batlik2013
Not registered on site

The clan motto violated the Clan Rules and was removed by the Administration.

The clan description violated the Clan Rules and was removed by the Administration.
Average damage


Average winrate


13 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
batlik2013 Commander 440 days 0 0
RenamedUser_522328867 Executive Officer 440 days 0 0
EXEGI_Account1 Executive Officer 439 days 0 0
RenamedUser_542715344 Executive Officer 440 days 0 0
OHlO Executive Officer 439 days 0 0
MiaKhalifasBobsCaused911 Executive Officer 427 days 0 0
RenamedUser_562614139 Executive Officer 440 days 0 0
AbduIIahBaIIout Executive Officer 427 days 0 0
RenamedUser_572503297 Private 440 days 0 0
RenamedUser_560768583 Private 440 days 0 0
Koribarafuko Private 420 days 0 0
RenamedUser_527464014 Private 440 days 0 0
GoennDiiR Private 431 day 0 0
Summary values