Created: 06.08.2015
Commander: muklandid
Not registered on site

لنكن يداً وحداةً حتىٰ نُحقق المستحيل

لا فرق هنا بين قوي وضعيف فالكل يدٌ واحدة لنحقق طموحاتنا ولنُنمي خبراتنا ولنُنوع طريقتنا ولنُحدِّث تكتيكنا ولن نلتفت إلى الوراء مادام المستقبل أمامنا والفرصة مواتيه .. أهلا بكم .. دائماً وأبداً . There is no difference here between strength and weakness in the hands of everyone and anyone to achieve our ambitions and growing diversification of our expertise and our way of renewing our ways and will not try to look back as long as the future in front of us and a favorable opportunity .. Welcom
Average damage


Average winrate


47 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
muklandid Commander 3422 days 976 51
AHSMHSA Executive Officer 3413 days 843 47
El_Thoru Executive Officer 3403 days 1181 48
cysiukm Private 3396 days 715 47
vohaoha Private 3410 days 1044 49
makror123makror Private 3382 days 197 42
pablittouber Private 3412 days 1342 54
dubko000000 Private 3412 days 429 49
StevenRyckmans Private 3393 days 1096 50
tinmanc Private 3121 day 808 45
AHMQAMDI Private 2997 days 944 54
maxc1c1 Private 3410 days 723 48
vicmapargil Private 3405 days 1073 52
toni_fulltv_srb Private 1380 days 229 48
arturbiedron00 Private 3400 days 554 48
nikolasg1 Private 3407 days 1245 51
Lyliannem Private 3350 days 253 46
Maurice7441 Private 3015 days 711 44
mathieu47_unconquerable Private 3375 days 338 44
peb_sniper Private 3410 days 1304 50
mac765 Private 3409 days 464 47
kessel73 Private 3395 days 651 55
almaran1 Private 3407 days 797 47
ABO_ABOOD_3 Private 3390 days 244 45
SynerJAM Private 3408 days 1096 45
schwed2004 Private 3399 days 575 46
Sergent_quentin Private 3382 days 530 43
Modzelewska_barbara8312 Private 3412 days 559 43
alexyeragon Private 3327 days 122 45
Greenfoo11 Private 2569 days 762 47
Player_0121470787 Private 1972 days 466 51
naztb Private 3382 days 821 43
xXBambusleitungXx Private 2168 days 409 42
AndreasOlesen Private 3410 days 918 53
The_Chubby_CheekDK Private 3410 days 706 50
tony_asians Private 1349 days 374 51
zZphilZz Private 1903 days 417 48
Graf_Naryshkin Private 3409 days 1148 48
Philippus_ Private 2405 days 902 47
discus68_1 Private 3400 days 773 46
Hugo_esteban_vara Private 3364 days 176 47
tom85240775 Private 3399 days 937 49
hakil207 Private 1330 days 677 65
kevd5000 Private 3041 day 420 49
Zad19 Private 3387 days 1012 47
stephanemartineau Private 3357 days 169 54
andy101074 Private 3399 days 848 51
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 267974 365815791
muklandid 6477 7226878
AHSMHSA 3089 3811869
El_Thoru 24804 43537010
cysiukm 5091 5844861
vohaoha 27078 40887378
makror123makror 122 56985
pablittouber 15516 24050647
dubko000000 4801 2757568
StevenRyckmans 9155 12231686
tinmanc 1722 2580074
AHMQAMDI 1907 2066192
maxc1c1 4789 5659612
vicmapargil 16253 21580514
toni_fulltv_srb 320 166144
arturbiedron00 9199 6982803
nikolasg1 5546 8028816
Lyliannem 272 164302
Maurice7441 3128 3778550
mathieu47_unconquerable 613 496456
peb_sniper 12501 19057309
mac765 4822 3864904
kessel73 7164 4790933
almaran1 9526 14159974
ABO_ABOOD_3 625 326808
SynerJAM 14396 24007487
schwed2004 2213 2573513
Sergent_quentin 2919 2042407
Modzelewska_barbara8312 1996 2073992
alexyeragon 45 17418
Greenfoo11 4794 4804181
Player_0121470787 139 47040
naztb 4009 5818651
xXBambusleitungXx 74 29045
AndreasOlesen 2782 3142387
The_Chubby_CheekDK 4108 4522366
tony_asians 70 33628
zZphilZz 42 18329
Graf_Naryshkin 5623 10779513
Philippus_ 21127 29890014
discus68_1 9456 15399430
Hugo_esteban_vara 78 25375
tom85240775 8837 12414430
hakil207 54 31121
kevd5000 537 306112
Zad19 3524 6044536
stephanemartineau 65 27618
andy101074 6566 7658925
Total 267974 365815791