This rating displays all the clans that players have added to the site. To add a clan, find it using the search form in the site header and go to the clan page. All the data is also updated when visiting the clan page. The rating displays only clans with a total number of battles of at least 1000.

WOT Blitz clans rankings (Average damage): Big clans

# Title Leader Members Damage
7401 [-ICE-] Deutsche stärke  007Dome_1 49 438
7402 [DOG8] Dark of genius 8  Leamarieroth316 32 438
7403 [SOU] Rush Of Ossama  Erhard_A 49 438
7404 [ARMPL] Poland Army  NightFuryXPL 50 437
7405 [LTDF3] LATIMEDUFEUX  Black_Mist_29 50 437
7406 [SIX1] Abt.SÖM  SixFeedUnder1 35 436
7407 [W-U_U] Warriors_+_+_+____U_U  Glory__ 50 436
7408 [SATT] Sansarlar  112emre 50 435
7409 [STUPD] Idontknowwhyididthis  Cbfrmcardiff 47 435
7410 [-BBS-] Blasé Boys Club WoT  TheXovenz 50 434
7411 [ECZ] ElisiumCZ  Awerius_Dee_sniper 50 434
7412 [MHM] لواء الحرب  M_Mahmoud 34 434
7413 [STU] Skilled Tankers' Union  gavur 46 434
7414 [TOP_] Nic není nemožné.  waliwaliu 49 434
7415 [PLXD] POLSKA NIEPOKONANA  nudul96 50 433
7416 [GOMIK] GOMOSEKSUAL  gownobaev_superbek 39 432
7417 [MATTE] Craiova lions  andreimatteo0309 50 432
7418 [P-R-O] Legend Raiders  A_C_R_T 50 432
7419 [TANQ] The Best Tankers  OkiDoki2006 50 432
7420 [MXXXG] MaximusGladiator  kemaltiflis_2017 50 431
7421 [UKS] Unstoppable knights  Nathan_Guest 48 431
7422 [DUTY] Tank of Duty  90djani1 50 430
7423 [TFR_A] ThE FrENcH ArMY  Fab5110_2017 50 430
7424 [_ACES] Asy Pancerne PL  BartekBOSS99 49 430
7425 [4242] Beysehirliler  Snanclik468 50 429
7426 [1GTA] 1 gardová tanková armáda  Matos2015 47 428
7427 [DUNG] Dungeon_Hunter  mister_vlad 50 428
7428 [1939] •FRANCE•  DannyFaitMadani 50 427
7429 [A1PHA] Alpha Group [FSB]  CbIHA 50 426
7430 [DEC] Destroyer Clan  paultim01 37 426
7431 [POL1] Akademia wot polska  Katarzyna_Korbecka 50 426
7432 [TVGFB] Tyler the boss  mill5y 50 426
7433 [M1711] Les Vampire  marcfovet13 30 425
7434 [PIG] Polska 232  Kanapa11 50 425
7435 [SOSO] SSGN  soso34_gunner 50 425
7436 [XMAS] Kebbabbari  Player_8968717871 50 425
7437 [ESUBA] eSuba  Polestr 50 424
7438 [SUAR] Suisse Army  Clemi2004 50 424
7439 [TOXIC] Toxic Tanks  Nemo14676327 45 424
7440 [LAZER] TANKREBELS  legitsniperbeast 47 423
7441 [LT] Les titan  11MATASSS11 50 423
7442 [NL2] Nederland 2  johndetweede 50 422
7443 [PL243] POLSKI CLAN  Marcin_Rebij 50 422
7444 [LEGIF] Legiunea de fier  Adiyou503 39 421
7445 [LORE3] Artyleria przeciwpancerna  Alcio100_PL 50 421
7446 [NOGLI] De killersiskremnamnam  Flammemannen_isak 50 421
7447 [RES] Le fort de laigle noir  Vert_loup 50 421
7448 [BRO__] BrothersITA  JustHeLix 50 420
7449 [RAS56] Rasierer213  affegne 48 420
7450 [UNO12] Bonjour  Remy_roche0409 50 420
7451 [2400] Renamed199510  SmartDishwasher_SM71763 43 419
7452 [BFT] BestFINtank  t3ii 30 419
7453 [D4J9Q] Pizza power  arrrrrrrrrrr 50 419
7454 [INFO] De-Deutschland-Tr-Turkei  de18 50 419
7455 [L_P_1] Lubie_Placki  jakemore078 49 419
7456 [BDF] LES POTES BDF  Florian1109 50 418
7457 [CHJ_2] Jshsu  Romjank1380 50 418
7458 [WKM] WKM Titan Guards  Wojtek_008 50 418
7459 [WOTGS] World of Tanks Generals  guzuki 49 418
7460 [HIL] Gutta fra bygda  ivartun 50 417
7461 [PLDP] -Polska Dywizja Pancerna-  LarenPL 47 417
7462 [WTF1] SZYMONOczołgozgniatacze1  tytanpolska 50 417
7463 [DKG] Adrian  ady15ale 50 416
7464 [HERER] Borci S.R.O.  filda365 50 416
7465 [PAF] Polska armia farmahoolsa  farmahools 43 416
7466 [WMIG] Welcome Made in Germany  Lasse180 50 416
7467 [6ARB] AIRBORNE  101_air_borne 50 415
7468 [DAP] Deutsche Arbeits Partei  MasterJude 49 415
7469 [KRACK] Tankenator  BERTON2002 49 415
7470 [1776] Les léopards français  Adrien_MASSE 50 414
7471 [COVED] ProGames  Ur74300 50 414
7472 [FOFF] Likaboza  Libik_1 50 414
7473 [S_D_T] Srbija Do Tokija  Mitar_O 34 414
7474 [830] Eroi italiani  WG_Blitz_Demo1 32 413
7475 [BIBIK] 92.Kharkov.93----ua  321_CREW 50 413
7476 [EVO2] Evo 2  arrowsipka 50 413
7477 [MR-TR] lMortalResistancel  TrNaruto 50 413
7478 [RKK] Polish Squad  Davidegallinati 50 413
7479 [SK69] Slovensko!  tomaschSVK2 50 413
7480 [XXXXL] Polskie ziomeczki  hileos00987654321 50 413
7481 [_TSK_] UMTAS_TSK  eyupoglueren16 48 413
7482 [-WOLF] Die Deutsche Panzer Akade  TimyJr06 46 412
7483 [KILL_] ™IroN_WaRRioRs:::PowR™  CyXaPuK_hero 50 412
7484 [POL99] Zawsze waleczni  Maxm8292 49 412
7485 [W_S_S] Wir sind starck  DarkRanger07 36 412
7486 [CPD] divisione piemonte corazz  basil_il_carrista_19 36 411
7487 [SSGB] Super Sayian God Blue  whouwha 48 411
7488 [THE_1] Yolol  X_Oey 50 411
7489 [BDF1] Les barjos de france  RickSavoy 37 410
7490 [IOLO] Spartanks  wtc43 47 410
7491 [WOT50] Deutsche Eliteeinheit  Player_0933291342 44 409
7492 [B-O-D] Big-Old-Dutch  samenbob 50 408
7493 [SG69] Swagersi69  Juleon755 50 408
7494 [WT3] WARRIORS TANKERS  ansss94 50 408
7495 [_CPT_] CrazyPolandTeam  Adam_mauschien 35 408
7496 [HUSKY] Husky clan of Tanks  i_am_a_rogue 50 407
7497 [MB5] MangeleggBoys  OsebiO123 50 406
7498 [T_T_H] Titan Training Hungary  10004400560 50 406
7499 [D_E_C] A German_Clan  Gamer_Cool1_22 50 405
7501 [TOPB] TOPBOT  POWI_SER 40 405
7502 [T_UA] Ucraine Army  Olowfer 50 405
7503 [1029_] THE BEST FIGHTERS  leo2908 50 404
7504 [DREAM] Dead shot  samlk 50 404
7505 [KTAB] ملوك العرب  Mahmoud_Mostafa_16 49 404
7506 [WOTBF] WoTb Famous  Bumblebee_KiLlEr 50 404
7507 [SPAI] Hugo y Álvaro los mejores  wotpro1200 50 403
7508 [COOL_] T34 XD  GrenadaXD 50 402
7509 [MEDIA] Медведи 0_0  Salamon1997 48 402
7510 [P4L] PanzerCorps"Sachsenland"  LeonPatriots 50 402
7511 [PJNO] Polska jest najlepsza2  Clercyoan86 49 402
7512 [PRO_F] BoMbE aToMiQuE  mini_cavinkill_ 49 402
7513 [AD66] Selirance  Alicia66 50 401
7514 [DWC] Deutscher_WOT_Clan  rajarslan26 50 401
7515 [GCZSK] CZ/SK Gentleman  jaromir321 50 401
7516 [TGMBH] WOT Plays GMBH  Tim_YT 39 401
7517 [VIII] دبابات العرب  ABODEKENG 36 401
7518 [CUS] L-O-L  toniksvab 50 400
7519 [LSPD] La France en force  lucdelajungle 50 400
7520 [PGO] POLSKA GRUPA OPANCERZONA  kacper_474 49 400
7521 [_UBR_] União Brasil  Henrique_Fernandes 50 400
7522 [1737] The Gladiators  Alexander_The_great_95 50 399
7523 [D_T_C] Deutsch_Tank_Champions  LordSascha20 50 399
7524 [POTS] Les poteaux  Noell_theo 40 399
7525 [WWE] Free to play  Musty_warrior 50 399
7526 [MARO7] FURY z Bíle Vody  luchianjo 31 398
7527 [WSDF] WorldOfTanksSquad  Tesfaalem1 39 398
7528 [-MID-] Midway fighters  A09220555611908 49 397
7529 [NFAJ] deutscher trupp  haylo_2017 50 397
7530 [ONE31] X-trim  Maloj16maloj 50 397
7531 [_DST_] Death Squad Tank  _maximusuber__iron 33 397
7532 [1985-] حياكم الله العشائرالعربية  Sfsaf2013 49 396
7533 [ITA8] The Italian Army  Prex_89 49 395
7534 [LDTFR] La Division Des Tankistes  lecompere27 50 395
7535 [NETHE] DutchWar  811292 50 395
7536 [B0B] BOB ARMORED BATALION  YouArEDeaTH_winner 50 394
7537 [FR121] URSS Clan (FR)  Andy_Mailhol 50 394
7538 [MB700] Mons - Belgique  McDuch 40 394
7539 [PARSI] IRAN.PERSIAN  sergala85 42 393
7540 [FEET] Feet  Chrisam01227 45 392
7541 [HTM] Araculinetor  hovertank_marksman 50 392
7542 [_LTU_] L13tuv1a1  n12121 50 392
7543 [LGN2] LGN2  Kill_val 34 390
7544 [TOP_U] TOPTeam_UA  TriXmAnUA2 49 390
7545 [WARP] CZ Klan-LIPIMartin  _Martas420_ 50 390
7546 [CZSKD] Československá divize.  tomiklokoli 50 389
7547 [NU503] Novatos Unidos 503  A90kilo 50 389
7548 [TC-TR] Tanks Of Turkey  0213201058a 50 389
7549 [WNS] Fire Winners CZ/SK  lolu2003 50 389
7550 [XEX] SBE  Ali_alomar_aa2 50 389
7551 [KREIS] KREISS  SergejAn 50 388
7552 [RHS21] VĚTRONOV  Choose2_lw 36 388
7553 [TNT5] Boulevard of Broken  Steini33_2 35 388
7554 [LTD] LIGA TOWARZYSZA DAMIANOVA  _TDamianov_ 50 387
7555 [TRNE] TuranEnsemble  Sergeant_Leonsdale123 50 387
7556 [AXIM] Aximfrance  Matpaul33_mm 50 385
7557 [PGM] LesFrançaisThugLive  LeThugDesBuissons 39 385
7558 [PK] Pokemon  janniclas80 50 385
7559 [DEWIL] Suomi perkele  Viljami_pylk 50 384
7560 [HSJSJ] Midles  TOM_KUPKA1_warrior 50 384
7561 [VIGO] Damage  Vlad_Palamarchuk 50 384
7562 [4S] Ateş seni çağırıyor  F_ff__fff___ 48 383
7563 [B_O_F] Brotherhood of Fallout  MokkaGnom 50 383
7564 [PKDC] PanzerknackerDC  NEOBLACKSITE13 37 383
7565 [SALLA] sutkardesler  yedibelahusnu39 33 383
7566 [TPT_] The Power Team  Vlad_Bro 50 383
7567 [DW1] Dobby_Warriors  TomKostak25 50 382
7568 [GE_EL] German Eilte  Moritz_korth 49 381
7569 [LEOIS] LEO1IS7  Altexfun_2017 49 381
7570 [ROBO] L'élite des robots  robotcup 50 381
7571 [-SEG-] SteelEatersGermany85  RioRaiser2 40 380
7572 [ANTIF] Antifaschisten  Pumaking_2 50 380
7573 [CSB] Českoslovenští borci  Filipkeniz_fk 42 380
7574 [HUNIS] Győztesek  lacika123_14 50 380
7575 [B-R-B] Be Right Back  Jerkelee06 50 379
7576 [NEJ] Masters CZ  smoulasprymar 32 379
7577 [MOD1] Merchants Of Death Class1  notorius_ 39 378
7578 [M_W1] Mroczni wojownicy  ArceMistzzzz 50 378
7579 [XADF] Rot3r laka!  Jasontheskiller 43 378
7580 [DWE] Deutsche Wehrmacht Elite  Philipp_78___ 39 377
7581 [CFWOT] La HORDE  Retro626 32 376
7582 [ENGIN] Tankticlan  Tmesnier 50 376
7583 [TRCR] Türkler_Crazy  Tabutcu_97 50 376
7584 [ACER] Best sniper  MichalDvorsky 50 375
7585 [RAINB] Rainbow Warriors  Jochen_Jones 37 375
7586 [RU6] Россия001  razer111_steel 50 375
7588 [JEDEM] Cz - Brno  Kolibrik_Jihu 50 374
7589 [T6] MATHIEU 525  MATHIEU_525 34 374
7590 [MLL] Magyar Legendás Lövészek  Bencsihorgasz 33 373
7591 [ONES2] (Français)  lestignoir72345 50 373
7592 [RWC] RoyalWarCompany  Amer_Ican 50 372
7593 [TATIC] Tanktastic  Thoenmannen1 50 371
7594 [MILAN] The Sniper/Attacker  milanritsema 30 370
7595 [CIEZK] Ciezka@o2  zygastanczyk 41 369
7596 [-DO-] Deutscher Orden  KleinerBruderBaer 50 368
7597 [MI6] United Ireland  Andrew_Moore_invader 50 368
7598 [FCB] FC Bayern  9326499 50 367
7599 [TTKV] TÜRK TANKLI KUVVETLERİ  inemicifanoscifo 37 367
7600 [LCF] Le super clan français  thomasrichardflocon 48 366