This rating displays all the clans that players have added to the site. To add a clan, find it using the search form in the site header and go to the clan page. All the data is also updated when visiting the clan page. The rating displays only clans with a total number of battles of at least 1000.

WOT Blitz clans rankings (Average damage): Middle clans

# Title Leader Members Damage
4801 [MARTY] Marty_Vole  Dan_2107_CZ 20 311
4802 [BIK_3] BiK  bartolini_gunner 27 310
4803 [BATUK] Fighting third  barker_sniper 14 309
4804 [BMWM4] Grop King  Abdu_sy 10 309
4805 [IS_KV] Kings of legends  tomtomtomjr 23 309
4806 [R-R] Republika Robaczka  krzys2k1 12 309
4807 [KSOF] King's of Fight  202besterjunge 10 308
4808 [SSR26] SSR 26  Master_Tankie1738 11 306
4809 [LTD1] LES tanks destroyer 1  themimikiller 26 304
4810 [SKIA] SKIA  Nike03groppi 10 302
4811 [TEHL] TehnoLEGION  coa_s8 10 302
4812 [MIKIS] polska ziomale  mikus46 10 298
4813 [TDYAH] The-dream-team-best  flozebest 10 296
4814 [DKRF] DarkTankisteFR  killeur333 10 293
4815 [SX] Online tanks  nimajneb654 10 292
4816 [TCMS] Teamchtiman  hugo1066 10 292
4817 [FS17] LES POTE  thegamoon 17 291
4818 [Q1F34] Bakubuv klan  vojtafff_hero 10 291
4819 [NVM] Drtiči (SVK)  Popper25 23 289
4820 [AC_CD] les chars d'élites  Lesincroniser 10 287
4821 [DNEB] De nederlanders en belgen  medano11 21 287
4822 [KOLOB] Для про и нубов  toniz123456 21 286
4823 [O32] Les français pro  matteodroopyzoom 10 284
4824 [DEUS] Deutschland u. USA  jaha787 10 282
4825 [E99] Escuadrilla 99  TeteGamer 14 282
4826 [PNC] Polscy niscyciele czołguw  Sznycel14 15 281
4827 [CLAW] CLAN AWESOME  Dadbet 10 280
4828 [8SYR8] سوريا الأسد  Farouk1994_b 10 279
4829 [LOLPP] KBIONSGS  AustenTheMan_ 17 278
4830 [GO333] JoDaElWi  JayJay005 11 276
4831 [GCB] GamingCity Bundeswehr  StefanGaming_YT 11 273
4832 [WWR] We will rek you  IgorMolotkov47 13 271
4833 [ONESM] Powstańcy  HenriMartin 19 269
4834 [P2T8] Blue Teiger  damonscholta 12 268
4835 [UBN] Uncle big nuts  Spencer_graham 10 268
4836 [TOOR] TankWars  Bastian999 22 267
4837 [JFR49] Les_amis_franco  GoldenJet_fr 27 266
4838 [SVKG] slovenská garda  bodtouchbd 12 266
4840 [JUBA] Khalil alle  Khalil9100 28 264
4841 [20012] 1 взвод forever  Andreyoo7_2018 15 262
4842 [FL_TH] Fallout Tankers Holding  MpcStar_PL 10 262
4843 [SIMPA] Azertyuiop  Brice_miot 25 262
4844 [ST4RK] House Stark  Kiskacsa40_kill 27 262
4845 [MEGAA] Украина_Italia  igordzema28 28 259
4846 [TPYW] PL TeamPolishYouTubeWoT  ScyroX_Games 14 258
4847 [TED] TeddyBear  BatxV1 12 255
4848 [DAG] dieAnthrazitGang  jakubkuz77 26 251
4849 [_KOD_] KingsOfDeath  Dzixik 10 251
4850 [DZJ] Die Zerstörer23  Scorpion_158 18 250
4851 [POTK] les potes tankistes  joshuacrespo268 29 249
4852 [LTU42] ParaozasLTU  Basshunteris 21 248
4853 [1290] Le prime medie  FEDERICOFORTE 11 247
4854 [BSN] Bogowie słońca  nozniaks 10 247
4855 [SK-SK] Supertanky  dankovalecnik007 10 246
4856 [UF] under fire  Alex_danilewicz_ad 13 245
4857 [AHD] عشيرتي بفلوسي  ahmd424 13 244
4858 [-AE-] Arch Enemy Fan Club  LuckyStrikes1 17 236
4859 [ENTRE] Entrelesmont  byby74 10 230
4860 [GKC] The killing Clan  _Concon_56_ 24 227
4861 [SE56B] Scorpion  TA2243 18 224
4862 [GGT] Fintanks  Kisu2_1 10 223
4863 [-ACN-] French Noobs Ac  Borro_89 10 220
4864 [SWAT_] LA POLICE SWAT  tadjatord 22 220
4865 [WF_0] WorldFrance  nonomanpro 12 187
4866 [G1T3M] Lé joueur lé plu for  tapmoidedan_jsuipatamere 27 134