MGR Players Rating among users of wblitz (EU-server)

The last battle must be played within the last 30 days. Total in rating 1505 players.
MGR rating (Mega Gaming Rating) was developed by Igor aka Actireon specially for WoT Blitz game and and projects.
Minimum battles
Account created
Rating size

Top-100 players by MGR

# Nickname Battles % victories Created MGR
1 111For..X111 [QISTY] 106786 71.85 29.06.14 99.99
2 boogee..ezer [-BPS-] 37645 71.96 05.10.21 99.71
3 _lIlEJ..JIb_ [G-L-T] 76751 69.27 26.01.15 96.56
4 lucklev12 [NNTW] 102940 70.54 24.01.15 94.15
5 Axmed_..vr05 1925 85.19 13.11.22 92.71
6 lnfuscomus [UNX] 1649 79.14 29.12.22 92.65
7 nesruya [S-WIL] 1431 86.86 24.04.23 90.87
8 Belakori [-BPS-] 29144 72.42 08.11.19 90.82
9 Player..1429 [7HOG] 48494 73.97 26.06.17 89.85
10 IRuBiX [LUV-] 85090 68.60 04.12.14 88.66
11 xuliGUNRUS 4291 75.88 30.08.17 88.65
12 God [-BPS-] 3313 81.32 13.12.21 88.20
13 Viscreality [NNTW] 65658 80.09 27.12.18 88.08
14 agrigat555 [DEMOH] 114855 66.83 19.12.17 87.49
15 B4LAN 1027 77.31 29.01.23 87.32
16 Daera [BLOVE] 3884 78.50 03.07.22 86.62
17 _Bloodbath [HACEP] 6547 71.74 09.06.20 86.57
18 Rokiiieee [QALEX] 1042 76.01 21.11.20 86.18
19 core5k 1566 74.58 17.01.21 85.90
20 3aMeCTuTeJlb [DEMOH] 148152 70.52 27.08.15 85.84
21 Sm0kker_ 1007 75.37 08.09.23 85.46
22 Sirius..zbek [REDLN] 2910 74.30 20.11.23 85.24
23 LastAutumn [VITE] 1367 77.98 27.07.21 85.21
24 Psycho..eniy [BLOVE] 2962 80.08 29.12.19 85.14
25 Leeeees [S-WIL] 2790 79.61 18.04.22 84.77
26 _pseudo322 [-UZ-] 3584 79.35 31.03.21 84.74
27 Daleon713 [ETHYL] 75558 71.35 13.07.15 84.49
28 44neverluv [AE] 2582 70.10 28.10.17 84.29
29 48chro..ZANA [-V-] 6651 77.01 01.08.18 83.78
30 _Yukin..h1ta [PED1K] 2012 74.25 14.06.21 82.82
31 Winsto..tton 2923 76.29 18.06.19 82.76
32 _Hakuruy [IMM0R] 1098 77.50 31.12.22 82.71
33 afzxveghsdhs 5774 74.87 12.01.21 81.89
34 _SoIitude [-V-] 38539 74.17 31.07.20 81.84
35 Doomed..SouL 1503 73.12 22.11.23 81.62
36 _Stan10x [-UZ-] 2791 76.64 26.12.22 81.53
37 B1ackPlayer [C4] 3911 72.21 18.12.23 81.49
38 _c0nfusi0n [-RVN-] 35689 76.25 24.06.19 80.80
39 DesireRay [IMM0R] 2484 79.43 19.12.17 80.78
40 _Jeffrey_17 32426 69.33 05.06.19 80.69
41 _HeAgE..Hblu 47687 66.28 12.08.19 80.61
42 TheShabyn [ZOVOD] 1467 76.01 01.07.23 80.45
43 BonesRobes [-V-] 33396 75.09 19.12.16 80.42
44 TTaLLI..xHuK [BLOVE] 1870 76.42 22.06.19 80.34
45 atmosp..e666 [215FV] 1204 77.91 25.02.24 80.13
46 KyrtKnispel0 [-WTV-] 64050 63.76 27.01.16 79.99
47 YDAP_MOJIHUU 72052 67.54 12.04.15 79.85
48 9_He_J..KoB_ [UNX] 4500 81.62 12.10.22 79.56
49 Waytoe..nity [IKPA] 2059 74.65 22.12.22 79.47
50 Mortar..King [QARA] 14481 70.49 04.12.14 79.21
51 PerFORmance_ [APA] 5223 74.31 22.08.19 79.18
52 CeP6_K..Do4b 3127 73.36 19.11.23 79.07
53 Call_A..ance [35MM] 84451 66.26 13.11.14 79.01
54 Justin..irez [NKUAA] 1021 73.95 01.11.24 78.61
55 ahd2 68152 66.76 10.12.14 78.56
56 _ExQseMe_ [KA3KA] 67556 65.76 19.07.18 78.52
57 O6E_BA..HOGU [TKFR] 12994 72.19 24.08.18 78.32
58 CKPuna4_ [MERCY] 2763 78.14 26.05.22 78.20
59 Player..9820 [RIX0S] 11060 71.11 05.05.19 78.08
60 baWOWna_TTV [BAWOW] 4458 81.70 02.11.23 77.89
61 _GeWitteR 39749 70.03 19.12.15 77.85
62 nYJI9_YT [IKPA] 14330 77.27 02.03.17 77.78
63 Benzo24x7 [WYOU] 2789 90.07 27.02.24 77.60
64 awaertxd [OLENI] 4798 71.34 05.12.23 77.55
65 Young_Tin [-V-] 26207 71.70 11.09.17 77.55
66 _lllBl..lll_ [R0GER] 97928 66.52 11.12.14 77.27
67 Sharmo..Wrap [PRADA] 1231 71.89 16.05.19 77.22
68 schumachers1 125398 60.92 13.08.14 77.15
69 TheLXSTED [-EH-] 5399 70.25 02.10.21 77.03
70 Tranquiii 4735 70.07 01.11.18 76.99
71 and3RRR [EG-] 26696 70.96 09.06.18 76.95
72 iznemozhenie [MERCY] 3028 78.50 24.04.22 76.87
73 Il_Luc..R_lI [DEMOH] 44339 68.35 17.02.18 76.86
74 SCHADE..inja [DEMOH] 51905 70.34 25.04.18 76.76
75 MeCTb_..HHbl [QISTY] 3558 73.72 19.10.15 76.70
76 SmokeF..Hell [MERCY] 6733 76.30 09.08.19 76.70
77 BESSMERTNII_ 3799 85.52 14.09.19 76.58
78 odxcj [AVIOR] 46018 71.09 08.12.16 76.56
79 pynopl..30iq [-RDX] 6825 79.60 06.10.23 76.45
80 LevArs1 [LV-IV] 39390 67.84 29.03.18 76.23
81 SquriX [ULTRO] 36105 66.71 29.01.17 76.17
82 4444in..ding [AE] 2793 71.11 23.07.17 75.92
83 VALER1AN [LOCA] 44044 64.78 15.07.14 75.87
84 Rhaeny..ryen [U3BPA] 2887 81.02 20.09.22 75.68
85 Nazarxxl 26843 69.22 26.09.19 75.67
86 Googaslav [SIVI] 3344 74.61 06.02.24 75.61
87 lRad1kl [UGKP] 4057 67.46 12.08.15 75.51
88 JezuzMayTry [SPIRT] 1374 70.96 19.02.24 75.43
89 ex_Iibris [ETHYL] 21928 70.13 06.11.14 75.39
90 Esiries [MFSHT] 5102 71.46 11.03.23 75.37
91 Let3x_..Tube [QISTY] 3201 74.32 05.09.23 75.36
92 Poussa [WYOU] 5603 79.14 20.08.23 74.93
93 Dimonv16 [TUMAN] 34667 67.37 10.11.14 74.92
94 _Avilex 34958 64.32 16.02.19 74.77
95 SoloBelarus 1599 73.36 06.04.24 74.75
96 Sexxton 3631 72.60 16.03.23 74.74
97 __Bilko__ [DEMOH] 3714 73.75 28.12.22 74.72
98 N0bebr1kk [_M32_] 1092 75.27 22.08.23 74.66
99 VegaCr..ZGTE [-BPS-] 3154 87.00 01.04.24 74.61
100 Roossaaa [BLOVE] 1241 72.60 21.01.24 74.51
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