After the Germans first adopted the use of StuG III assault guns with closed cabins in 1940, the Italians started working on their own vehicle of a similar type. As a basis for their design, they used the chassis of the Carro Armato M 13/40 medium tank. The first prototype of the Semovente da 75/18 was completed in February 1941. Instead of a turret and turret platform, this vehicle featured a closed stationary cabin with a mounted 75 mm Obice da 75/18 modello 34 howitzer. The vehicle armament was sufficient for both providing fire support and fighting against most tanks at the time. Its 50 mm frontal armor could, in theory, withstand most common British two-pounder tank and anti-tank guns from long and medium ranges. Most of the Semovente M41 da 75/18s that fought were lost in North Africa, while others were captured by the Germans in the fall of 1943.