Best two

Period 22.11.2021 - 25.11.2021
Applications 20.11.2021 20:00 - 22.11.2021 19:00
Matches 22.11.2021 20:00 - ?
Prize fund
Grand prize
Participation fee none
Teams (total/accepted/max) 659 / 659 / 1024
Players on the team 2 - 3


Participants of this tournament could not participate in other tournaments which take place at the same time.

Tier: X.
Registration opens 2 days before the tournament and closes an hour before the tournament.
Registration type: non-clan

Only 1024 teams can participate in this tournament. Registration will be automatically closed as soon as the necessary amount of teams register. The limits won't be increased for this tournament.

Battles will be held from 22 to 24 November. Start time: 20:00 (CET).
System: Single Elimination, Double Elimination.
Control type: mixed.

Team requirements

The team should consist of at least 2 regular players, and 1 reserve. At least 2 players must press the “Ready!” button for the battle started.

Battle format
Battle time: 7 minutes.
The interval between battles: 1 minute.

Qualifying stage, 22 November 20:00 (CET): Single Elimination: 1024 teams, 128 groups (8 teams per group).
Seeding in each group is carried out according to principle Strongest - Weakest
The top team from each group moves on to the next stage.

Two battles are held on the same map swapping the spawn point after the first battle, then the map is changed. All maps are playing in the "Encounter battle" battle type. The format: Bo5 (up to 3 victories).
Time for each round is indicated approximately. The exact start time for each round can be found in "Matches" tab.

1/4 — 22 November, 20:00 (CET). Maps: «Desert Sands - Town», «Dead Rail - Valley», «Yamato Harbor - Battleship»
1/2 — 22 November, 20:40 (CET). Maps: «Falls Creek - Bridge», «Yamato Harbor - Center», «Middleburg - Town»
Final — 22 November, 21:20 (CET). Maps: «Normandy - Beach», «Alpenstadt - Town», «Canal - Factory»

Group stage, 23 November 20:00 (CET): Single Elimination: 128 teams, 8 groups (16 teams per group).
Seeding in each group is carried out according to principle Strongest - Weakest
The top team from each group moves on to the next stage.

Two battles are held on the same map swapping the spawn point after the first battle, then the map is changed. All maps are playing in the "Encounter battle" battle type. The format: Bo5 (up to 3 victories).
Time for each round is indicated approximately. The exact start time for each round can be found in "Matches" tab.

1/8 — 23 November, 20:00 (CET). Maps: «Desert Sands - Dunes», «Dead Rail - Railroad», «Yamato Harbor - Hills»
1/4 — 23 November, 20:40 (CET). Maps: «Yamato Harbor - Dock», «Falls Creek - Factory», «Middleburg - Hill»
1/2 — 23 November, 21:20 (CET). Maps: «Normandy - Hills», «Desert Sands - Dunes», «Dead Rail - Railroad»
Final — 23 November, 22:00 (CET). Maps: «Yamato Harbor - Hills», «Falls Creek - Factory», «Yamato Harbor - Dock»

Final stage, 24 November 20:00 (CET): Double Elimination, 8 teams, 1 group.

All maps are playing in the "Encounter battle" battle type. The format: Bo3 (up to 2 victories). Final of the Upper and Lower bracket and Grand-Final: Bo5 (up to 3 victories).
Time for each round is indicated approximately. The exact start time for each round can be found in "Matches" tab.

Upper bracket

Round 1 — 24 November, 20:00 (CET). Maps: «Middleburg - Hill», «Normandy - Hills»
Round 2 — 24 November, 20:25 (CET). Maps: «Canal - Factory», «Alpenstadt - Town»
Final of the Upper bracket — 24 November, 20:50 (CET). Maps: «Normandy - Beach», «Middleburg - Town», «Falls Creek - Bridge»

Grand Final — 24 November, 22:20 (CET). Maps: «Yamato Harbor - Center», «Desert Sands - Town», «Dead Rail - Valley»

Lower bracket

Round 1 — 24 November, 20:25 (CET). Maps: «Yamato Harbor - Battleship», «Desert Sands - Dunes»
Round 2 — 24 November, 20:50 (CET). Maps: «Yamato Harbor - Hills», «Dead Rail - Railroad»
Round 3 — 24 November, 21:15 (CET). Maps: «Falls Creek - Factory», «Yamato Harbor - Dock»
Final of the Lower bracket — 24 November, 21:40 (CET). Maps: «Canal - Factory», «Middleburg - Hill», «Normandy - Hills»

Tournament Prize Fund

Qualifying stage

1st place in each group: 800 000 credits, 5 certificates for x3 XP for each player in a team
2nd place in each group: 525 000 credits, 3 certificates for x3 XP for each player in a team
3rd – 4th places in each group: 350 000 credits, 2 certificates for x3 XP for each player in a team
5th – 8th places in each group: 230 000 credits, 1 certificate for x3 XP for each player in a team

Group stage

1st place in each group: 14 days of premium account, 960 000 credits for each player in a team
2nd place in each group: 7 days of premium account, 630 000 credits for each player in a team
3rd – 4th places in each group: 3 days of premium account, 420 000 credits for each player in a team
5th – 8th places in each group: 1 day of premium account, 275 000 credits for each player in a team

Final stage

1st place: Premium tank STG, 2 500 gold for each player in a team and invitation to the Blitz EU Cup stream with developers
2nd place: Premium tank AMX 13 57, 1 750 gold for each player in a team
3rd place: Premium tank Bretagne Panther 1 000 gold for each player in a team
4th place: 750 gold for each player in a team
5th – 6th places: 500 gold for each player in a team
7th – 8th places: 250 gold for each player in a team

Rewards for the tournament will be accrued during 14 working days after the tournament will be ended.