Controcarro 3 Minotauro

European Nation Tank Destroyer
X tier
Controcarro 3 Minotauro в World of Tanks Blitz
X tier / Tank Destroyer / European Nation / Not Premium
Price 0 cr / 0 gold Hull armor 270 / 110 / 50
Hit points 2000 HP Turret armor 240 / 50 / 110
Basic Performance
Armor protection
Shot efficiency
This vehicle was developed in the 1960s by OTO Melara using both elements of American and German design. It was supposed to combine a German power unit with home-grown developments in naval weaponry and loading systems. A distinguishing feature of the vehicle was its placement of the driver in the turret with limited gun traverse, as well as its mechanized loading system.

Configurations and modules

Guns 1
Gun tier
Aiming Time (s)
Caliber (mm)
Dispersion at 100 m (m)
Rate of Fire (rounds/min)
Elevation Angle (deg)
Depression Angle (deg)
Reload Time (s)
AP Penetration, mm
APCR Penetration, mm
HE Penetration, mm
HEAT Penetration, mm
AP Damage
APCR Damage
HE Damage
HEAT Damage
Maximum Penetration, mm
Maximum Damage
Gun Weight (kg)
Turrets 1
Turret Tier
Turret Hit Points
View Range (m)
Traverse Speed (deg/s)
Traverse Angle, Left (deg)
Traverse Angle, Right (deg)
Turret Weight (kg)
Engines 1
Engine Tier
Power (hp)
Specific Power (hp/t)
Chance of engine fire
Engine Weight (kg)
Suspensions 1
Suspension Tier
Traverse Speed (deg/s)
Load Limit (kg)
Suspension Weight (kg)

Selected config characteristics

Hit points
Armor protection (%)
Firepower (%)
Shot efficiency (%)
Maneuverability (%)
Hull armor: front (mm)
Hull armor: rear (mm)
Hull armor: sides (mm)
Turret armor: front (mm)
Turret armor: rear (mm)
Turret armor: sides (mm)
Weight (kg)
Top speed (km/h)
Top reverse speed (km/h)
Load limit (kg)
Hull HP
Hull weight (kg)
Standard configuration

Best players

Only tanks with at least 100 battles take part in rating. 220 vehicles total.

Best by ER

# Player Games Victories ER
1 MatwayDallas 215 68% 2383
2 StilIL..gYou 100 70% 2153
3 Player..9820 [OTRAR] 103 76% 2113
4 Tom_Reddl [-UZ-] 112 66% 2106
5 AirStrikerUA [ATCMS] 100 66% 2077
6 real1t..heck 114 71% 2051
7 _BLITZ..ILL_ 118 78% 2041
8 111nei..d111 [NNTW] 101 78% 2025
9 3eJIeH..EBgA 103 74% 1962
10 RAZOR_..ixer [KO3AK] 160 61% 1959

Best by WN7

# Player Games Victories WN7
1 MatwayDallas 215 68% 2270
2 Player..9820 [OTRAR] 103 76% 2198
3 Tom_Reddl [-UZ-] 112 66% 2166
4 111nei..d111 [NNTW] 101 78% 2166
5 StilIL..gYou 100 70% 2048
6 _BLITZ..ILL_ 118 78% 2033
7 3eJIeH..EBgA 103 74% 1995
8 lucklev12 [NNTW] 161 74% 1980
9 Nazarxxl 112 79% 1967
10 HoJIo 103 70% 1951

Best by MGR

# Player Games Victories MGR
1 Player..9820 [OTRAR] 103 76% 71.831
2 Tom_Reddl [-UZ-] 112 66% 69.273
3 111nei..d111 [NNTW] 101 78% 67.566
4 MatwayDallas 215 68% 66.979
5 WONDERK1ND [RA1D] 176 78% 66.296
6 Nazarxxl 112 79% 65.251
7 agrigat555 [DEMOH] 195 77% 64.365
8 3eJIeH..EBgA 103 74% 63.999
9 Belakori [-BPS-] 155 74% 63.773
10 zeknay_ [JOKES] 1081 70% 63.764
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Average tank indicators

Calculated only among the tanks, on which at least 100 battles were held. Total processed 218 vehicles.
Victories %DamageSpottedEnemies destroyedDefenseK/damK/destr
63.041 2695.833 0.918 1.127 0.516 2.105 2.588
Please sign in to compare your performance with the average