Bofors Tornvagn

European Nation Heavy Tank
VIII tier
Bofors Tornvagn в World of Tanks Blitz
VIII tier / Heavy Tank / European Nation / Premium

Best players

Only tanks with at least 100 battles take part in rating. 8 vehicles total.

Best by ER

# Player Games Victories ER
1 TEMHUKOBA 108 64% 1734
2 _Ce3aPb_ 119 79% 1580
3 Dhulfaqar 140 63% 1503
4 bladpa..enko 162 63% 1295
5 OBSlDIAN 373 62% 1279
6 FFrozenSay 108 65% 1269
7 GH0STUA 666 62% 1262
8 schumachers1 165 64% 1135

Best by WN7

# Player Games Victories WN7
1 TEMHUKOBA 108 64% 2085
2 _Ce3aPb_ 119 79% 2029
3 Dhulfaqar 140 63% 1863
4 OBSlDIAN 373 62% 1664
5 GH0STUA 666 62% 1645
6 bladpa..enko 162 63% 1579
7 FFrozenSay 108 65% 1573
8 schumachers1 165 64% 1516

Best by MGR

# Player Games Victories MGR
1 _Ce3aPb_ 119 79% 56.489
2 TEMHUKOBA 108 64% 53.803
3 Dhulfaqar 140 63% 47.957
4 GH0STUA 666 62% 45.703
5 FFrozenSay 108 65% 45.480
6 OBSlDIAN 373 62% 45.450
7 bladpa..enko 162 63% 42.962
8 schumachers1 165 64% 41.714
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Average tank indicators

Calculated only among the tanks, on which at least 100 battles were held. Total processed 8 vehicles.
Victories %DamageSpottedEnemies destroyedDefenseK/damK/destr
65.245 2111.331 1.454 1.080 0.394 1.564 2.307
Please sign in to compare your performance with the average