
U.K. Tank Destroyer
X tier
FV4005 в World of Tanks Blitz
X tier / Tank Destroyer / U.K. / Not Premium
Price 6100000 cr / 15250 gold Hull armor 76 / 51 / 40
Hit points 1750 HP Turret armor 14 / 14 / 14
Basic Performance
Armor protection
Shot efficiency
This tank destroyer project was developed on the basis of the Centurion Mk3 tank in the early 1950s. The vehicle was initially tested with a mechanized ammo rack. However, the ammo rack did not fit the turret, and it was canceled. One prototype was manufactured and underwent trials, but the vehicle never entered mass production.

Configurations and modules

Guns 1
Gun tier
Aiming Time (s)
Caliber (mm)
Dispersion at 100 m (m)
Rate of Fire (rounds/min)
Elevation Angle (deg)
Depression Angle (deg)
Reload Time (s)
AP Penetration, mm
APCR Penetration, mm
HE Penetration, mm
HEAT Penetration, mm
AP Damage
APCR Damage
HE Damage
HEAT Damage
Maximum Penetration, mm
Maximum Damage
Gun Weight (kg)
Turrets 1
Turret Tier
Turret Hit Points
View Range (m)
Traverse Speed (deg/s)
Traverse Angle, Left (deg)
Traverse Angle, Right (deg)
Turret Weight (kg)
Engines 1
Engine Tier
Power (hp)
Specific Power (hp/t)
Chance of engine fire
Engine Weight (kg)
Suspensions 1
Suspension Tier
Traverse Speed (deg/s)
Load Limit (kg)
Suspension Weight (kg)

Selected config characteristics

Hit points
Armor protection (%)
Firepower (%)
Shot efficiency (%)
Maneuverability (%)
Hull armor: front (mm)
Hull armor: rear (mm)
Hull armor: sides (mm)
Turret armor: front (mm)
Turret armor: rear (mm)
Turret armor: sides (mm)
Weight (kg)
Top speed (km/h)
Top reverse speed (km/h)
Load limit (kg)
Hull HP
Hull weight (kg)
Standard configuration

Best players

Only tanks with at least 100 battles take part in rating. 603 vehicles total.

Best by ER

# Player Games Victories ER
1 jaakaappi_ [APA] 155 78% 2500
2 48chro..ZANA [ENEMY] 100 75% 2423
3 3qu4xg..7x4e [-ENV-] 112 63% 2387
4 rynnl 340 72% 2384
5 Sk1lek..Tube [QU1CK] 105 70% 2337
6 O6E_BA..HOGU [TKFR] 100 72% 2284
7 Dupell 118 66% 2248
8 PlayerMercy 166 61% 2247
9 CKPuna4_ [SCORN] 111 72% 2223
10 BelIe_..hine [O4KO] 100 70% 2156

Best by WN7

# Player Games Victories WN7
1 jaakaappi_ [APA] 155 78% 2603
2 48chro..ZANA [ENEMY] 100 75% 2412
3 rynnl 340 72% 2403
4 Sk1lek..Tube [QU1CK] 105 70% 2362
5 3qu4xg..7x4e [-ENV-] 112 63% 2346
6 BelIe_..hine [O4KO] 100 70% 2285
7 Dupell 118 66% 2255
8 CKPuna4_ [SCORN] 111 72% 2234
9 PlayerMercy 166 61% 2186
10 TpaHcJ..eBga [-VIO-] 185 74% 2183

Best by MGR

# Player Games Victories MGR
1 jaakaappi_ [APA] 155 78% 80.924
2 rynnl 340 72% 72.700
3 3qu4xg..7x4e [-ENV-] 112 63% 70.480
4 Sk1lek..Tube [QU1CK] 105 70% 68.363
5 48chro..ZANA [ENEMY] 100 75% 67.001
6 Cardel..auka 470 67% 66.092
7 CKPuna4_ [SCORN] 111 72% 65.640
8 IRuBiX [U3BPA] 650 70% 65.380
9 TpaHcJ..eBga [-VIO-] 185 74% 65.375
10 _painl..Hope 430 74% 65.351
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Average tank indicators

Calculated only among the tanks, on which at least 100 battles were held. Total processed 585 vehicles.
Victories %DamageSpottedEnemies destroyedDefenseK/damK/destr
59.784 2784.642 0.755 1.105 0.473 1.401 1.160
Please sign in to compare your performance with the average