
China Heavy Tank
IX tier
WZ-114 в World of Tanks Blitz
IX tier / Heavy Tank / China / Premium

Best players

Only tanks with at least 100 battles take part in rating. 8 vehicles total.

Best by ER

# Player Games Victories ER
1 2032FoboSs 100 68% 2148
2 Il_Luc..R_lI 100 74% 1905
3 fun5ky..k7ct 101 74% 1779
4 lucklev12 138 71% 1515
5 cz_S_A_M_A_N 113 53% 1178
6 Mr_Edg..2021 143 56% 1146
7 KycToB..ToTa 105 50% 980
8 komnat..ator 125 49% 971

Best by WN7

# Player Games Victories WN7
1 2032FoboSs 100 68% 2140
2 Il_Luc..R_lI 100 74% 2097
3 fun5ky..k7ct 101 74% 1922
4 lucklev12 138 71% 1756
5 cz_S_A_M_A_N 113 53% 1258
6 Mr_Edg..2021 143 56% 1190
7 KycToB..ToTa 105 50% 969
8 komnat..ator 125 49% 896

Best by MGR

# Player Games Victories MGR
1 Il_Luc..R_lI 100 74% 62.700
2 2032FoboSs 100 68% 58.070
3 fun5ky..k7ct 101 74% 55.636
4 lucklev12 138 71% 54.710
5 Mr_Edg..2021 143 56% 37.169
6 cz_S_A_M_A_N 113 53% 36.886
7 KycToB..ToTa 105 50% 33.610
8 komnat..ator 125 49% 33.040
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Average tank indicators

Calculated only among the tanks, on which at least 100 battles were held. Total processed 8 vehicles.
Victories %DamageSpottedEnemies destroyedDefenseK/damK/destr
61.949 2335.841 1.199 0.905 0.913 0.983 1.211
Please sign in to compare your performance with the average