Platoon Search

First online players are shown. Then the players marked the current time, as the preferred for game. Then the rest. Each of these groups is sorted by the percentage of victories.
Player Info Communication Tiers % Status
 _Speed_Of_Light_ [GKEVI] - Chat 6 69
 SunderRENA1SANCE Chat, Skype, TS 8, 9, 10 74 -
 zakus00n [ELSS] Chat, Line 6, 7, 8 71 -
 KreitonAbramse [MERCV] Chat 8 71 -
 OBSESS3D [_TQT_] - Chat, TS, Line - 69 -
 antolio_v - Chat 10 67 -
 Feshunia [PROFF] - Chat, Skype, TS, Line 8, 9, 10 65 -
 Minas_Morgul__ - Chat 10 58 -
 then5zky [MER5Y] Chat 8, 10 56 -
 _BoCbMoe_4yDo_CBeTa_ - Chat, TS 10 55 -